Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dating a girl who loves food

There are a million articles out there titled " xx things to know before xxxxxx" or "xxx reasons to xxxxx" or "xxx things you should do before you die", etc.... These article titles are drawing less and less attention from me because they are getting... um.... stale. It seems like people are just trying to come up with random list of stuff to write about.
Then, I came across this article about "17 Things to Know Before Dating a Girl Who Loves Food" yesterday on facebook. (This is my source of interesting articles/news nowadays) Since I love food, I was curious about what it has to say, and I found it awfully descriptive of me.....

1. She is very willing to pick out restaurants for every date.
* For me, it is to avoid a disappointing dining experience.
From Google Image (

2. If you bring her good food, this is what she will look like...... (exactly like when a squirrel found nuts......picture on the right)
* For me, it definitely beats flowers.

3. The most asked question is "what are we gonna eat later?"
* There are definitely scenarios that we talk about what should we have for dinner while we are having lunch or discussing breakfast plan when we are lying in bed.

4. She will plan her travel itineraries according to what she wants to eat.
* For me, it is more about experiencing the food culture in a place. It doesn't have to be a well-picked-out restaurant, it can be anything like street food or a random restaurant I walk pass with a lot of locals.

5. If you want to live with her, you need to be prepared to save her a snack drawer.
* Well, I definitely have a spot for all my snacks, and it is never empty.

6. She always has a list of restaurant/food that she wants to try.
* And that list never gets shorter........

7. You will probably gain some weight due to all this awesome eating you are doing together.
* From my past experiences, there is no exception.

8. Her idea of an interesting read is a Yelp review.
* Indeed, I am a loyal reader.

9. She spends most of her money on food.
* Not most of it, but plenty..... you pay for what you get.....

10. Her eyes are most definitely bigger than her stomach.
* Due to the limitation of time and money, I might not go back to the same restaurant. Therefore, there are always too many things I want to try on the menu, and ended up having a lot of leftovers. I never let the food go wasted! So, I always bring them home. ^^

11. She always has food with her, you do not have to worry about getting hungry when you are with her. 
* I do have a snack drawer at home and in the office..... never gets hungry.....

12. Do not give her the chance of meeting any hot chef, she might not be able to control herself. 
* Definitely a dream come true!!!!! What a yummy package lol

13. Weekend plan: a) try out new restaurant, b) try out new recipe or c) go to farmer's market
* If we are not going on any trips, what else can we do besides eating?

14. During a fight, getting her favorite dessert might just solve the problem.
* Absolutely! How can one resist.......

15. If you do not agree with her taste of food, this might get you into a serious fight.
* There must be something wrong with his taste buds! No doubt.

16. You can always ask her where to go and what to eat.
* A lot of my friends text me when they want to know where to go eat. I often get texts like "I am in xxx area, and I want xxx cuisine, but not too expensive. Restaurant recommendation please?".

17. Besides saying "I love you", the best way to show her is to buy her food she likes. 
* Nothing says more than when I really want a piece of key lime pie, and when I get home, I found that he bought one from my favorite bakery.

Fellow foodies, how well does that describe you? Anything else you want to add?

1 comment:

  1. That describes me pretty well. Food is an essential part of dating.
